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  • allyalbon

Hello, World!

It's often said that I talk too much about the things I love - well, it is hard not to get so excited over our loves! So I will be starting a blog here to share and document my adventures into the world of fine art! I am a 3d modeler in the games industry by trade, specializing in Environment Art. I also work in VR which is a most amazing world to be part of, always changing and growing and learning. My most recent game was Cosmonious High, which I am really sad that I joined the studio near the end as it would have been so much fun to be part of it from the very beginning! However, the upcoming project I am working on is equally as fun. While I adore, am obsessed by, am in love with 3d modelling and the world of game art, I realized recently that I wanted to have an artform that was "mine" that was simply for fun and expression and with no rules - to do exactly what I want - and also was a means of stepping away from the computer to make things! (I also sculpt in 3d programs for personal projects). I had wanted to try color pencils for a while but didn't get around to it until January 2022 when I joined in with Bonny Snowdon's amazing tutelage. I immediately fell in love with color pencil art. Obsessed even. 2022 was a very busy year so I haven't been able to make as much art as I wanted, but it really did help with relaxing and trying something new outside of the computer, and I found a deep set love of drawing fur and scales. I could draw fish all day and be so happy! In September I also decided to treat myself to a small set of pastel pencils and oops - that's also great fun and I am starting to love them a ton...if only I wasn't smearing pastel pencil all over my face!

This blog is going to be a gentle journey as I explore and learn as much as I can about both color pencils and pastels and hopefully imparting some knowledge along the way, and creating some nice drawings for you all to look at!

My first finished color pencil piece through a tutorial by Bonny Snowdon:

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